Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Up to Date and Running

What has Aaiyja B been up to lately? Soooo much its hard to pinpoint one thing. I have been branching out from my flower pencils. I still make pencils but I also make hair clips. I have posted those here before. I am also making flip flops adorned with my flowers. Its been fun but a lot of work. My mom thought it would be a good idea to make myself a hat for when I am walking around selling flowers at my brothers' football practices. I found some cute cheap visors and as a payment for my mom, she made herself one too!

This is my visor:

This is my mom's TTBulldog's visor:

These are my flip flops:

I have a few more design ideas that will manifest later but for now, more hair clips!

and one of my favorites. . . . .
Stay tuned for my sisters blog which is coming soon. Its called. . . . nah I am not spoiling the surprise.